Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Hey Guys
Sorry i have not blogged in such a long time
but hopefully i will have more time now to start again
Here is my latest "photo shoot" with some of my favorite girls rylie and ami!

We stopped at this old abandoned house that rylie is in love with and took pics!
i have a feeling i will be back to take more!!


  1. These pics are so cute! I am envying you photography skills(:

  2. aw thanks jazzie.. it helps to have really pretty models 2 lol. let me know if u want to be my model some time :D

  3. Haha! There is no denying they are pretty cute.
    And anytime.. I'd love to model for you:)

  4. awesome. let me know when you are free. we will talk tomm at church.
